Venus and Projection by A.C.H.
As of this writing, I am now in a position that is close enough to the horizon for which the national election will change the course of human history. This also represents the very best time in which to remote view who exactly will be our next President of the United States in 2016. Unlike past sessions in which I took for granted where we are within the multiverse, I am today slightly more certain in terms of a hard-won point of reference. Although the technique of remote viewing is imperfect, much as been learned of previous errors.
Who then will become our next President of the United States of America in 2016?
I am now setting the table for a very lengthy viewing session that will be recorded. The purpose of this will include the informed choice, observation of techniques employed by myself, and education. Front loaded sessions are extremely difficult to perform and as such, a lower probability of success must be expected. Never the less, I am today the most controversially successful viewer with unparalleled skill that will attempt the unimaginably difficult process by which a non-historical source of information is rendered.
Will I be successful?
Preliminary observations to be excluded from sessions will include the following:
- Hillary Clinton will not excite her base as much as trump stimulates both sides of the isle. It is likely that her marginal supporters will vote only if necessary as a measure against Trump. Historically, the highest degree of motivation favors the opposite situation.
- Donald Trump is a populist figure of high entertainment value during an age of over-stimulation and subsequent desensitization from years of on-line access devices. This means that a significant number of voters will no doubt opt for increased stimulation outside of reason. Hillary Clinton simply does not stimulate the brain to produce more dopamine as does the idea of political heresy. For Clinton, standing against the gun lobby is more like political suicide rather than heresy. Many who have become cynical will likely not want to miss future episodes of a hilariously entertaining Donald Trump kicking over tables in the White House.
- The National Rifle Association (NRA) is now pushing against Clinton’s incredibly naïve position against personal armament. Essentially, an opposition to the NRA equates to an unnecessary loss of voters from both sides of the isle. The western gun represents a unique symbol of historical culture that wildly separates the United States from Europe.
- Hillary Clinton is supported by an effort to maintain President Obama’s important social work. This means that Trump will have a very difficult journey ahead winning over important communities critical to winning a national election. In fact, this may be an inefficient task prior to the elections due to a history of systematic neglect, oppression, and outrageous disregard.
- Expectations are that Hillary Clinton will win the national election in 2016.
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