Category: Fox News
Posted in 2nd Amendment Fox News information Liberal Media Lies News prediction preextinction behavior psychic functioning Remote Viewing Science Upcoming News Worthy US Constitution
Tick Borne Disease Political Trends Chart Comparison (2018)
Hansonrv November 7, 2018
Note the comparison of a recent spread of tick-borne diseases (left) and blue highlighted states (right) for which emotionally driven political decisions are successfully…
Posted in 2nd Amendment Classroom Walkout March 14 Dana Loesch Fox News Liberal Media Lies NRA US Constitution
A Constitutional Check on Tyranny and an Ill-Informed Herd of Ideologically Compromised Youth
Hansonrv March 16, 2018
[amazon template=banner easy] As for the embarrassing 2018 march of children in opposition to the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, we find a…
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