By A.C.H.
6. Regardless of an early choice (Iowa?), Donald Trump faces his opponent for President. The expected win becomes the unexpected loss. There exists an opportunity within the greatest disappointment, distrust, and division of a cynical nation.
Unlikely as it seemed in late December of 2015 when the prediction first occurred, Donald Trump has now become the nominee representing his party. As predicted in 2014, Hillary Clinton is today the “opponent”. The election loss in Iowa for Trump is noted for the violation of what had been expected.
As a caveat for those supporting Hillary’s campaign, the prediction as it was in 2013-2014 appropriately involved gender. Given this unusual spike along the non-historical horizon, I did then clearly sense the outline of Hillary’s face. Much of what I am seeing today in this respect seems “familiar” and so I must assume that the early work was fair.
Furthermore, those wishing for a first beyond that of President Obama will soon be confounded by Trump’s asymmetrical approach toward persuasion. As a populist fitting for the time of a waning right-wing ideology, Trump has successfully resurrected the essence of a uniquely rebellious western spirit.
3. Suicide and a vest in the news.
Immediately following a public posting of these predictions (see 1-11), a suicide vest related bombing occurred within Istanbul, Turkey. The exact number of people killed in the blast totaled 11 (+1). 11.
11. Specifically in 2016, an actual sacrifice (death) will be heard in the form of a song. When one’s heart follows this song into the center of everything, a Black Sun appears. For those of us who understand, “it” is given unto the light of hope within our darkest hour (Lucifer). The number according to the intended day of this posting is also important (traditionally, 1-11 of any year).
To be fair, each and every death is a form of suicide. It is our lack of knowledge that makes us think otherwise. Death for an adequately developed human being will often include irony and when this is not so obvious, one can suspect the outlier. An untimely murder of a young child might be one example of this. Although it is difficult to believe due to an early developing brain, a child’s ability to interpret relevant information from both historical and non-historical sources outside of normal states of awareness does exist.
As a naturally gifted psychic, I can recall my earliest resistance to a vaccination that would later prove to be harmful due to contamination. At that time I was a very young child surrounded by those of limited awareness. After several futile attempts to hold me down, the physician in this case refused to continue due to the possibility of physical harm that might be caused by force.
In this way I had been spared an early death due to Simian Virus-40 contamination (SV-40 is a class 2A carcinogen). Although I knew nothing about vaccines at that early age in my life, I felt the urgency to resist and did so effectively.
Only recently has it been revealed that both the Salk Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) and Sabin Oral or “live” Polio Vaccine (OPV) were contaminated with SV40. To make matters worse, federal law at that time did not require the immediate withdrawal of every preparation following the discovery of seed contamination and as such, the remaining doses were used pending regulation. This coincides precisely in time with my own refusal of the vaccine.
I digress.
Now that the recent death of a second major song-writer has passed (see Prince), I have determined that the circumstances surrounding this case of self-imposed death does not conform to important aspects of the prediction.
When the information of Bowie’s very private death had been released to the world on 1-11, I took note of this and carefully held my suspicions. Upon further study of Bowie’s work, I have found what appears to be a clever reference to the promise of light within the darkest of hours. This clearly falls in line with the rite of acceptance although I do not believe that Bowie was Luciferian.
As an example of Bowie’s brilliant work in 2016, the “Blackstar” video reveals 11 women presumably performing a ritual of release involving the ornate skull of Major Tom. The skeletonized body of Tom is briefly shown floating toward an eclipse or blackened sun. His space suit remains planet bound as if the empty shell of what once delivered Bowie through the extremes of Huxley’s Heaven and Hell. For those who do not know, Major Tom represented Bowie’s deliverance from the necessity of pain that we all share. The mystery of suffering is found here as depicted upon the unfolded cubes of space in which three scarecrows writhe.
Without making things any more complicated than they should be, perhaps enjoying the following video of Blackstar will suffice:
Next hearing the following file in reverse might help to explain what I am experiencing with “it” as something within the center of everything. Bowie knew that within Crowley’s mythology, Nuit has its center being Hadit or by extension, Lucifer. Pay particularly close attention when reversing “in the center of it all” as the name of Lucifer can be heard.
It is in this way that a dying David Bowie meant to leave us with hope just as he saw it within his darkest hour.
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