0. As of the beginning of 2018, there is no threat of immediate war with North Korea. For the year 2017, I viewed no such event as a Nuclear War. To a degree, this holds true for 2018 with respect to North Korea alone (see warning as per 2S-399 and subsequent non-historical data).
*North Korea’s Leader Kim Jong-un must now accept the emerging consequence of world-wide sources of free information. This is becoming increasingly available to individuals (including those of North Korea) using technologies that supplant any and all forms of centralized control.
President Trump is perhaps Korea’s last best chance for a peaceful solution toward unification.
Threats directed toward the west will not provide security or independence for North Korea in the very special case of a President Trump.
Concerns for the bloody overthrow of Libya’s former leadership need not impede the mutually beneficial exchange for disarmament.
President Trump and a Remote Viewed Frame of Mind
Without intentions, a blind remote viewing session regarding a then Candidate Donald Trump was given to me prior to his election in 2016. At this time I found the peculiarity of a brilliant and heart-felt man that greatly values loyalty. I also found that he detests the impulsiveness of cowards and would be capable of mobilizing overwhelming force without hesitation. A strong neurological connection between the emotional part of his brain and his heart was found. This has proven to assist him intellectually toward effectively managing risks and to make mostly correct decisions. Although some relevance has been lost over time, the neurological function of his gut plays more than a neutral role. This also explains his uncanny ability to tap into the moment and connect with his audience while comically infuriating a somewhat ubiquitous pinch-pile of heart-faked hypocrites.
Liberal as the lie may be, a solution has now presented itself according to the subtle art of violating all that is to be expected (humor). In the case of a President Trump, we find no such mockery and yet, hatred is often preferred to that of empathy by many of his opponents.
1. [X] and the leader of North Korea. This is a certainty and unification will not yet be possible (see 3S-399 and the historical reference).
2. Following the Supreme Court Appointment(s), a feminist wave will become the cause for uncertainty as a national election takes place in 2020.
3. I now believe that a majority of our world’s long standing forests will soon reach a critical point in terms of viability. It is most interesting to note that in the past when other viewers were tasked to look upon an event that would occur just prior to human extinction, they often found “cylindrical objects” dotting many hillsides, mountains, and other vast open areas of our planet. When looking inside these objects, we found cellular structures with a metabolism associated with photosynthesis. In many cases it had been assumed that these cylinders represented a technology for growing something like Chlorella for food.
This assumption was wrong and as such, I believe that it is now very important that the following is challenged and further explored:
The Discovery
The reason I am telling you this now is that recently, I found the answer to my extinction data while riding my touring bicycle through Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. During this trip from Oregon, I found a vast number of dead or dying trees from environmental changes, pollution, disease, infestation, and fire. Although horrifying in terms of the devastation, it was not until Yellowstone that I noticed an unexpected familiarity that reminded me of some old data concerning human extinction. Several pictures were taken and when back home, I compared the data in question and found a perfect match. These cylindrical objects were nothing more than stumps that are now in part observed within many of our stressed world forests.

Importantly, I now need to search for a time-line in which a very large number of forests die off throughout our planet. As it is now, our oceans are unhealthy and when this is coupled with stressed major forests, it is not difficult to understand why I refuse to have children.
4. The new terrorism and Jerusalem presents the opportunity for [X] to infiltrate with [X] agents. Some are then fortunate to be dead (see 1S-318 as in completion for 7790/2284, etc).
5. Secrets remain, bloodshed, and the Iranian question is temporarily resolved. Russia quietly prepares for the unnecessary war.
6. Despite overwhelming force, information, and technology, a spirit cloaked in red drives the unrelenting shadow upon the West. Here is found victory, ritual, and a long lasting failure that is World War III (see Hopi Prophecy or “warning”).
7. Surprisingly, I now see the rising possibility that a woman will become either President or Vice President of the United States in 2020. I will be viewing this again within the next few months for an assessment.
8. There will increase the danger of divisions within Pakistan. India prepares for a possible escalation.
9. The pride of a lion is in jeopardy. Should it then be torn from his side? Then look carefully to what is not of our history. One’s heart will then break twice.
10. President Trump and [X] that begins without the obvious symptoms. Once missed, he will succumb (privately?).
*Looking back upon the totality of my experiences, I have determined that pattern recognition is very important. Within our world exists an endless variety of patterns that provide meaning, direction, and opportunity. In the case of President Trump’s physical health, I see a pattern that our best physicians must not overlook. Psychologically, he is extremely healthy with a higher level of emotional intelligence. Perhaps the greatest clue as to his intellectual capability is found within the accusation of insanity by those of a more limited capability.
There is no average beyond the lie of equality.
11. For us, UFO technology may not exist as something physical. The secret of this relates to the fact that it is possible to access a non-historical source of information suggesting the very reason why one’s hand can easily pass through a seemingly solid object like a UFO. The question for us must now involve exploring where we are within the multiverse as a function of our existence.
The Evidence
While being filmed on January 5, 2017, I remote viewed a “Most Significant Event/ 2017/Open Search” (as per 2096/4421). A pairing theme emerged that is so very common within the best of sessions. This revealed both the Trump high-rise building as “a good thing” and a separate incident involving a similar building deemed as “a bad thing…”. It was also stated that prevention would be important in this case.
In the following data as shown we find “bleachers” and many open circles surrounded by a single large open circle suggesting the death of many. A tall building of the paring data reveals the direction of “gun shots” toward the aforementioned circle of death. In remote viewing, the odd case of an open circle signifies the termination of life.

There is no doubt that with remote viewing, a non-historical source of information is found upon the frontier that I have been exploring in secret for years. Now we must ask how this is possible and most importantly, what does it imply?
To me, this implies that we might ensure an optimal future through the informed choice. As for the prevention of incidents like the 2017 Vegas Shooting, we now know that it is entirely possible when combining traditional forms of intelligence and related technologies with remote viewing.

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